RAHIZI - Register and Start your business in Africa or Middle-East in 1 Hour

Actualités levée de fonds et Fundraising Startup Afrique

Actualité fundraising Afrique : deals, tours de table, conseil en levée de fonds, mise en relation startups avec business angels et fonds d’investissement.

logo winvesty long blanc - Fund Raiser Consultant fundraiser for startup SME Worldwide - Winvesty

A blog sponsored by fundraising expert WINVESTY Fundraiser.


J'entreprends en Afrique ou au Moyen-Orient aujourd'hui avec Rahizi !

Do you have an entrepreneurial project for Africa or the Middle East and need to create your company online from home? Fill in this form!

if you have no idea, leave blank.

Check this box if you have already established your company in one of the countries on the list

In +xxxxx format